Award Winning Pioneering Artist Exploring Cinematic Visual Perceptions for Over Four Decades.

Art has the remarkable ability to capture our imagination and provoke new ways of seeing the world. One artist who has dedicated over four decades to pushing the boundaries of visual expression is Rose Lowder. Recognized for her outstanding contributions, Lowder recently received the prestigious AWARE Outstanding Merit prize. Join us while we delve into the life and work of this remarkable artist.
Born in 1941 in Miraflores, Lima, Peru, Rose Lowder embarked on her artistic journey early on. Between 1951 and 1962, she studied painting and sculpture at various esteemed institutions, including The Art Center and La Escuela de Bellas Artes in Lima. Lowder further honed her skills in London, attending Regent Street Polytechnic and Chelsea School of Art from 1960 to 1964.
In 1977, Rose Lowder shifted her focus to the visual aspect of the cinematographic process. Her passion and dedication led her to collaborate with renowned filmmaker Jean Rouch and his department at the Université Paris X. It was during this time that Lowder presented a portion of her groundbreaking research for a Ph.D. titled “Experimental film, a tool for visual research” in 1987.
Recognizing the importance of preserving experimental films and related documentation, Lowder co-founded the Archives du film expérimental d’Avignon (AFEA) in 1981. AFEA aimed to acquire 16mm films and paper documents while also making these works more accessible to the general public. Lowder’s commitment to archiving experimental films reflects her dedication to preserving and promoting the rich history of this artistic medium.
In addition to her archival efforts, Rose Lowder has authored several influential books, including “La part du visuel, films expérimentaux canadiens / The Visual Aspect, Canadian experimental films” (AFEA, 1991), “L’Image en mouvement” (AFEA, 2002), and “Images / discours” (AFEA, 2006). These publications not only provide valuable insights into experimental cinema but also bridge the gap between academia and the wider audience, making these works more accessible and understandable.
Lowder’s research has been primarily focused on visual perception in relation to the cinematographic means of expression. She has explored various techniques for modifying the graphic and photographic visual features of an image as it evolves over time. Lowder’s meticulous and complex approach involves interweaving frames within the camera, resulting in a simultaneous projection of multiple images on the screen. Her innovative method challenges conventional cinematic norms and opens up new possibilities for visual storytelling.
With her vast expertise and profound understanding of experimental film, Rose Lowder has made significant contributions as an academic. From 1996 to 2005, she held the position of Associate Professor (practice, history, theory, and aesthetics) at the Université de Paris I. Through her teaching and mentorship, she has inspired countless aspiring artists and scholars to explore the intersections between art, film, and visual perception.
Rose Lowder’s artistic journey spans more than 40 years, during which she has explored the limits of visual expression within the realm of experimental film. Her pioneering techniques and unwavering dedication to preserving and promoting this artistic medium have solidified her reputation as a significant figure in the art world.