Market for Art-Caliber Antique Oriental Rugs Maturing

An art collector's den furnished with HighCollectible, 19th century rugs: Persian Bakshaish Camelhair ( floor), Caucasian Khila Baku (wall), and two more high collectible rugs above the carved doors rolled on rods for display
If the period of 1800 through 1910 is called by some the “Second Golden Age of Persian Rug Weaving,” the last several decades may be considered “The Era of Rug Revelation,” given the continually increasing interest in the finest of these artworks. When compared to traditional art genres like paintings or sculpture, rare rugs reflect an esoteric collectible whose desirability has not been impeded by the mystery surrounding them. Rather, the enigmatic nature of antique rugs is one of their most alluring attributes – a facet spurring enough interest to bring the very best of antique Oriental rugs into diminished supply
“Recently, there has been a quantum change in how our business works,” explains antique Oriental rug expert, Jan David Winitz. A lifelong passion for rare rugs combined with his role as the founder and president of Claremont Rug Company (in 1980) has given Winitz a particularly unique insight into the art form, creating an expertise that is uncompromisingly selective in both the rugs and level of insight he offers to his global clientele of rug aficionados.

Persian Ferahan Sarouk 8'7" x 12'4", 3rd quarter, 19th century, High-Collectible with entirely innovative field design of two dissimilar medallions.

Persian Laver Kirman, 4’2” x 6’5”, circa 1850, High-Collectible with consummate craftsmanship and entirely singular color hues.
It’s taken time for the world to have its attention tuned to the finest antique Oriental rugs. While an entire generation of buyers beginning in the 1980s and 1990s started by having their heads turned by Decorative and High-Decorative level Oriental rugs, over time a goodly number have become collectors who’ve progressively honed their eyes and widened their exposure to a point where their expertise has now heightened and their passion has greatly escalated. As a result, these collectors are acquiring primarily the very finest examples of the High-Collectible and Connoisseur-Caliber rugs (as illustrated on Claremont Rug Company’s Rug Market Pyramid (™).
During the same period, the supply of rugs of this magnitude has narrowed significantly. What this means for rug lovers who’ve set their sights on acquiring a quintessential Caucasian or Mohtasham Kashan area rug or a spectacular Bakshaish or Ferahan Sarouk room-size carpet is that timing is imperative.

Even with extraordinarily long-reaching buying resources, world-renown galleries such as Claremont Rug Company find it to be a constant challenge to unearth a sufficient number to meet the ever-increasing demand for the very finest pieces.
Realizing that the great rugs they covet are no longer necessarily available “on demand,” the savviest collectors immediately respond to the opportunity to acquire significant pieces when they arise. This is especially so when High-Collectible, 19th century rugs within any particular genre are offered. Mature connoisseurs are now stockpiling rugs for later use, acquiring them to use in rotation with pieces they already own or homes they plan to build. Others opt to store their exquisite finds long-term as family treasures.

Persian Bakshaish 9’4” x 12’10”, 3rd quarter, 19th century, High-Collectible, a quite individual example of a style that is widely sought after by mature collectors.

Caucasian Kazak “Lesghi Star” Rug, 3’8” x 6”, 3rd quarter, 19th century, ConnoisseurCaliber, replete with nuanced symbolic motifs and frequent shading of colors.
While many Oriental rug firms still offer a wide range of rugs at levels 5 and 6 on Winitz’s Market Pyramid, only a handful of elite galleries worldwide have the networks to consistently offer the top four levels. Yet, even with the global buying network that Winitz has cultivated, the best-of-the-best of these rugs are rarely found on the gallery floor. Rather, they are offered individually to collectors who have established a close relationship with his gallery
Another way for connoisseurs to access major pieces are rare events such as Claremont’s periodic sales of longheld private collections. Winitz said, “One example is a special event we just completed. We acquired the nearly 150-piece collection of High-Collectible and the pinnacle of Connoisseur-Caliber rugs amassed by major Canadian connoisseurs over a half-century period. We offered the rugs by invitation only to our established clientele, and virtually every rug was placed in just over a three-month period.”

Lobby of Investment firm with one-in-the-world antique Hadji Jallili Tabriz carpet. Madelyn Craft Interior Design--Studio 104.
What is it that entices these ardent collectors to have this insatiable appetite for the most prodigious pieces when they become available? According to Winitz, it’s the intangible qualities these rugs possess, with magnificent color hues leading the list of attributes. “As a natural fiber, the wools used to weave the rugs absorb color in a way that no paint on canvas could replicate. The dyes used by weavers were developed over open fires where the inconsistencies of heat created magnificent, tonal variations in the dyes themselves. The colors dance, the myriad shifts in color are very subtle - yet they draw out undeniably emotional reactions.”

A longtime connoisseur who displays many High-Collectible rugs as wall art chose this nearly 200 year-old Caucasian Seichur Kuba o adorn his stairwell.
Winitz goes on to explain how he will present to a client several rugs from the same region and of similar age. While the commonalities shared by each rug are visible, rugs that may appear similar to the newcomer may be leagues apart in their artistic impact and rarity, attributes that the current generation of seasoned aficionados have cultivated the ability to recognize and relish.
For more information on Claremont Rug Company, please visit or contact the gallery directly at 1.800.441.1332